'General' Archive

New Lappy

October 8th, 2007

I’m moving on from my now almost 3 year old Dell Latitude laptop. Originally purchased as a desktop replacement, it and it’s lovely docking station served the need quite well for the first year or two. It’s since been relegated to the status of email, browsing, and remoting into my desktop. For that role it’s too damn clunky.

That combined with our dollar and a silly sale at Lenovo.com, which ends today!, adds up to me purchasing the ultraportable x61. To get the lowest price, around $1200, I had to ship it to a US address but at that price it was hard not to pull the trigger. I upgraded to 2GB ram and a 100 GB, 7200 rpm drive. There are reports out there of up to 10 to 12 hours battery life. That seems insane to me but even 6 would be a dream at that size and weight.

Now I have to wait calmly until I can get my mitts on it….

Crowd Funded Software

September 27th, 2007

Check out microPledge, they’re bringing micro pledges to the software space.

Have an idea? Just need funding?
Want to join with others to support to an idea?
This site is for you.”


September 21st, 2007

We’re booked to run our third demo camp on Wednesday Nov 7th, once again at the Albion. Please sign up here to attend and come out and check it out. If you’re interested in demo’ing, contact me asap.

ITSA Framework

September 18th, 2007

Bryan and I demo’d the horribly named itsaFramework at DemoCampToronto14 last night. Of course I forgot to mention it’s name or website until the absolute last question when someone asked “does it have a name?”. There’s a good reason I have nothing to do with marketing.

There’s basically no information at the site above. If people are looking for more information, just contact me. If there’s a lot of requests for info then we’ll get a wiki or something available.

Thanks again to David, Jay and the entire TorCamp crew for putting on the event and allowing us to demo.


September 16th, 2007

I have to say this. The second thing I noticed about the list for the upcoming, and sold out!, DemoCampToronto is that if you remove my demo from that list then 1/2 of the demo’s have already presented at DemoCampGuelph! I love that! I think there’s always an assumption that us little towns play second fiddle. It’s exciting to see that not only are we getting the same caliber of demo’s as the big city boys but in some cases we’re getting to see them first! If you haven’t come out to a DemoCampGuelph then get yer arse to the next one!

So are we the DemoCamp ‘farm system’? I’m happy with that if it means we continue to get the level of demo’s we seen and we get to see them first.

If you haven’t come out to a DemoCampGuelph, then sign up for the next one here. Yes, we still haven’t picked a date for it yet, details, details….


September 15th, 2007

I applied a while back to demo at the next DemoCampToronto. David mentioned that there was a lot of applicants to demo so I put it out of my mind, pretty much assuming I wouldn’t be demo’ing. According to this, I was selected to demo, AND the event is ‘sold out’. The only reason I know this is from an email someone sent me after seeing me on that list.

Oh man, I think this means I need to get a demo together. Um…and the actual framework…..Looking at the list of demo’s, I have no idea how I got selected. Those other apps sounds fancy.

5 minutes, 300 people, oy…..

Single Page

September 10th, 2007

Our site started out as a single page as a bit of a stop gap. It’s growing on me and others don’t seem to mind it either. Steve submitted the site full single and it’s the current featured site.

Sharing Errands

September 5th, 2007

I’m going to the store, you need something?

“Sherrands is a coordination tool that can help you save valuable time and money. How? By using those circles that overlap with our friends and coworkers. Say I need something that is only available up north, and I live in the city. I would need to drive up north just to pick up one or two items. This is not very efficient. But let’s say I have a friend or coworker who works up north, and I don’t need the item right away. I can ask them to get it for me, and I can pay them back. I have now saved the time and gas getting there and back, and my friend or coworker is right near the store so they haven’t wasted much if anything in the process for the favor. And if they need something near me, I can do the same for them.”

Human Tetris

August 24th, 2007

I’m not much for posting video links but wow, this is classic.


August 24th, 2007

Not that I ever drank bottled water but living in Guelph means I swore off it almost entirely ages ago. You’re taking serious risks walking around this town with a bottle of water in your hand. It’s less about the particular issue for me than just not being a target for the hippies.

Having said all that, Chris Jordan’s simple pictures resonated with me more than any article I couldn’t bring myself to read. The title “Intolerable Beauty” sums it up.

FC Article about bottled water.

Original link from Mark Hurst.