Sharing Errands
September 5th, 2007[ General ]
I’m going to the store, you need something?
“Sherrands is a coordination tool that can help you save valuable time and money. How? By using those circles that overlap with our friends and coworkers. Say I need something that is only available up north, and I live in the city. I would need to drive up north just to pick up one or two items. This is not very efficient. But let’s say I have a friend or coworker who works up north, and I don’t need the item right away. I can ask them to get it for me, and I can pay them back. I have now saved the time and gas getting there and back, and my friend or coworker is right near the store so they haven’t wasted much if anything in the process for the favor. And if they need something near me, I can do the same for them.”