Linux, the dark side

March 9th, 2007
[ Linux ]

I haven’t read it all yet but this is cool. An article titled ” The Five Things You Aren’t Allowed to Discuss About Linux“.

I have no clue who this guy is or if he has any idea what he’s talking about. He makes some good points though. Linux shouldn’t be compared to Microsoft. It’s a good point but are people actually comparing Linux to Microsoft? It obviously doesn’t make much sense. Anyway, I agree with his point, whether there’s any point to his point or not….”When we compare an operating system to another we should be comparing the specific distribution, which is a thing”.

I have a similar beef with the Apple ads. Take the video camera one. They make it sound like it’s somehow Microsoft’s fault that your hardware vendor didn’t put a video camera into the laptop you bought. Microsoft, in that context, is not a hardware vendor. Yes I know, he says “I’m a PC” not “I’m windows” but very few people make that distinction. People generally view these ads as mac vs windows…I think?