Human Tetris

17 years, 6 months ago
[ General ]

I’m not much for posting video links but wow, this is classic.


17 years, 6 months ago
[ General ]

Not that I ever drank bottled water but living in Guelph means I swore off it almost entirely ages ago. You’re taking serious risks walking around this town with a bottle of water in your hand. It’s less about the particular issue for me than just not being a target for the hippies.

Having said all that, Chris Jordan’s simple pictures resonated with me more than any article I couldn’t bring myself to read. The title “Intolerable Beauty” sums it up.

FC Article about bottled water.

Original link from Mark Hurst.

$100 PC

17 years, 6 months ago
[ Geek ]

Dang! I was in the process of checking out on a purchase for a decTOP when I see that the cheapest shipping option is $55. Ummm…that’s 50% of the product cost for shipping? Oh well.

Jumping off the MS ship

17 years, 6 months ago
[ General ]

I wonder if it even registers at MS when someone as high profile in the MS community as Mike Gunderloy declares that he’s jumping ship. He doesn’t even know where he’s going or what he’s going to do, his only goal is that it doesn’t involve MS.

While I still spend the majority of my workday building .NET applications I have at least divorced myself from MS for everything else. I run linux as my primary OS and use a vmware windows instance for development only.

Open Sourcing

17 years, 6 months ago
[ Software Development ]

Mark Shuttleworth, if you’re reading this please contact me asap! Ok fine, it was worth a shot.

As we delve deeper into creating open source projects, I suppose I’ll just have to do the research myself. I like what I’m reading about Mark, Ubuntu, Canonical, etc. Canonical seems to be thriving with a cool mix of open source and proprietary projects.

It appears we share some heritage as Canonical “originally started as a wholly virtual organisation, all of the employees working from home. With no traditional office space at all”.

Random Errors

17 years, 6 months ago
[ Geek ]

I cringe and do my best to bite my tongue whenever someone claims an application has a “random error”. In all my years working in computers I have yet to encounter a random error.

Computers are a lot of things but random they are not. Okay sure, if you write a random number generator that introduces a bug some of the time then technically it’s random but it ain’t really “random”. Wow…

Errors are only random until you discover the pattern, and then eventually the cause. That’s the challenge and frustration in debugging applications. It’s detective work.

Hiring like a caveman

17 years, 6 months ago
[ Office Gossip ]

Quick primer. At boc we have no formal process for hiring. Some may wrongly assume that’s because we’re small, immature, and haven’t locked things down yet. While all those things are true, don’t mistake our lack of formal process as being unintentional.

Okay, we don’t have any rules but we do have a history:

  • We’ve never hired someone from a resume.
  • We’ve only ever hired people who’ve been referred to us by someone on our team.
  • Since I’ve been involved, I have yet to seriously read someone’s resume. Man I love that! I wasted too much of a previous life reading resumes.
  • We don’t consider someone to be a full-on boc’er until they’ve attended one of our retreats. At a retreat they’ll have no choice but to meet most of us, cook and eat food with us, talk about work and non work, roll an ankle or blow a knee etc.

Anytime I attempt to explain how we hire to someone with more traditional ideals I always feel like a hippy flake. Look, the bottom line is that we literally hire like cavemen, err cave people? New people must gain acceptance by our established group and it’s more about admitting members to our tribe than hiring new recruits. Is that crazy?

Ummm…no. These tribal leanings have a much deeper history than any new HR policy created last week. We hire in a time tested, tribal fashion. What’s crazy to me is companies that leave hiring decisions to a small group in HR, provide limited exposure to the people who must accept and help make these newbies succeed. The most I’ve ever had in my experience of hiring, or being hired, is a quick lunch with a select member or two of the team. I’ll stick with our caveman ways thanks….

One Bullet

17 years, 6 months ago
[ Office Gossip ]

Years ago, during the first dot com boom, I worked at a little web company in Toronto. That company made the decision to bring in some old school boys to run things. Some guys who know how to efficiently operate a growing organization. Is there a ‘tongue in cheek’ emoticon? That particular experience didn’t exactly inspire my confidence in the old guard. I butted heads more than the opposite.

One case that came to mind was office layout. With a few new hires coming in the door, we’d outgrown the layout of one of our floors. There was some heated discussions with some people having strong opinions about how things should be laid out, where their “office” should be, who should sit near who, etc, etc, blah, bored, blah…

seating.jpgSo the part that really blew my socks off? Our man in charge at the time took it upon himself to stay late that evening and draw up the new office layout with no real consultation with the people involved. The next day he handed the new office layout over to the office manager for implementation.

Occurrences like this drove me bonkers and I generally got nothing but cow-eyes when I’d raise my concerns with the ‘powers that be’. Stereotypical managers actually view this kind of useless crap to be their job. At this time, this guy would have been one our highest paid people and he’s being paid to write seating plans for grown ups?

In this case my only question for ‘the man’ was “how old are your children? Does their teacher issue them a seating plan at school or does she trust those 6 year olds to figure it out themselves?”

I recently read something from Ricardo Semler, speaking about exactly this issue. Obviously he has pretty much the polar opposite take on it…

“Sure, I’m the main shareholder, so I always have a loaded gun in a drawer and the right to fire it, but understanding the benefits of our system is my self-restraint. I know that there’s only one bullet in the gun, and if I fire it off in a fit of pique, I’ll only get one shot at overriding a popular decision, after which I’ll be disarmed. At that point, I’d lose everything I’ve worked for..”.

If you’ve only got ONE bullet, do you really want to use it on a seating plan issue??

Born Ruffians

17 years, 6 months ago
[ Audibles ]

Sure they’re wee lads but I can’t stop listening to the ruffians since I saw them at Hillside. I think they’re my ‘surprise find’ for Hillside this year.

Redefining Business

17 years, 7 months ago
[ General ]

Technology, business, software development – on short, these are the main types of topics you should expect to discover on the ShiftMode blog. I specialize in IT and I graduated from the University of Guelph. I enjoy learning and testing everything that is remotely computer software related and my wife and three children are helping me keep my mental sanity every time I tend to get too involved in doing something I am too passionate about. You can also find me in an array of different other online places, so feel free to keep an eye on me and my work. Below you will find some of my views on slot games online.      

If you want the excitement of the best online gambling, you might want to try out the collection of slot games that Casino Winpalace has to offer at the moment. Keep in mind that the casino is constantly refreshing its selection of already existing games, so it is an excellent idea to always keep an eye on the emails the casino might be sending to your inbox or sometimes spam box. It would be a shame to miss out on the chance to be the first one to test a brand new casino games – especially given the high market release rate at which brand new 3D or progressive games are seeing the light of day right now. Make sure you also check out the Crazy Vegas video slot games and see if you find them enjoyable enough to play online for real money or if you are better of sticking with the WinPalace collection.


Pay Attention To The Special Features


These games of slots are known to provide gamblers with two special Bonus Features. The Free Spin Feature is triggered when three Free Spin Chips appear anywhere on Reels 2, 3 & 4. The Chips spin to reveal your free games and prize multiplier. The Big Bonus Feature is triggered when a Big Bonus appears on Reels 1 & 5. In the Big Bonus Feature you decide when to stop the wheels from spinning. The number on the inner wheel is multiplied by the number on the outer wheel to determine your total payout. And you’ll go crazy if you hit on the random jackpot. Remember that there are loads of casino slot games that are offering a wide array of progressive jackpots and most of them are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars (or some other currency you might choose to play with).


Extra Things To Look For


Like I said in the beginning of this article, I like to constantly keep an eye on everything that is new and on everything that seems exciting enough to capture my interest even if it is just for a little while. That is why I always like to go here whenever I get the chance and read all the newest reviews added to this web site. I can learn all about the release of a brand new game on the market, or even about the creation of a new ambling venue.