Guelph Tech Scene
December 15th, 2009[ General ]
I’m posting this almost verbatim from an email Regg sent out today. There are increasing opportunities to participate in the Guelph tech scene so pick your spot and get involved.
These are exciting times to work and live in Guelph.
- 3 years ago business leaders formed the Guelph Business Technology peer to peer network:
- DemoCampGuelph was established in 2007 and now boasts attendance of 100+.
- Guelph Chamber of Commerce established a technology committee in fall of 09
- Guelph Tech Business Community will be hosting a large technology conference at the newly opened “FRANK HASENFRATZ CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN MANUFACTURING”.
We are now becoming a centre of technology innovation and would appreciate your input on the potential development of a technology cluster. Please fill out this survey and feel free to pass the link on to others.