Great Stuff

April 4th, 2008
[ Office Gossip ]

Chip Wilson, founder of lululemon was on The Hour last night. He made a comment about doing great things. He said that mediocrity fears great things and therefore people doing mediocre things will always attack people doing great things.

While the scales are significantly reduced, my experience tells me Chip’s bang on. I’ve witnessed this over and over again in my limited circles. People who aren’t skeered will look at someone attempting great things and think ‘how can I help? how can I be a part of that?’

So if you’re truly attempting great things then expect attacks and don’t be deterred. Keep an eye out for people who support and rally around you and don’t stress the rest. Hey, maybe you should just say thanks to an attack and take it as a compliment? Look at it as a sign that you’re doing something great?