Floating your boat

April 11th, 2007
[ Office Gossip ]

Mathew Ingram posted about a friend of his Kareem and the fact that he’s a nightmare for big companies. I agree and would say that Kareem is also the opportunity that CreationStep and BandOfCoders is intended to leverage. Leverage is a bad word and sounds a bit evil. I guess we’re a bunch of Kareem’s who got together and are trying to float our own boats. We’re smart, motivated people (hopefully…) who’s boats aren’t floating in traditional companies. You should contact us for a chat if Kareem’s quote rings true with you.

“After too many days of being miserable, I realized it was because I wasn’t happy with my job. I was earning a lot of money, had just gotten a promotion, lived in a beautiful apartment near the beach with my rad girlfriend, but none of it was floating my boat.”