Mesh Notes (Web 2.0)

May 16th, 2006
[ General ]

Random notes from mesh.

I’ve touched on my love of bumper sticker marketing terms like web 2.0 in the past. I sat in a panel yesterday where the host and a presenter had a dialogue about whether blogging was web 2.0 or web 1.0. Someone please have the sense to stop conversations like this. How self-absorbed can we get in technology? It’s like flipping to FT and watching two designers arguing if grey is this year’s black. Who cares and how can that argument ever come to completion?

“Oh, ok, I see, that hadn’t occurred to me before. Ok, you’re right, grey is black. What now?”

You can’t define web 2.0 because it doesn’t exist. It’s an umbrella term meant to capture a shift within a community or the maturing of that community. Stop calling it web 2.0 like it’s an actual product. It’s confuses, and leaves people looking for the release notes.

So what do you call it? I don’t know but I’ve been calling it the internet.