Why Do This?

April 26th, 2006
[ Office Gossip ]

Paul Graham does a great job of breaking down why people spend time doing this blogging crap. When this topic comes up with people out of this loop, ie someone who has no clue what RSS stands for, they are typically surprised by what’s happening. Their first comments usually relate to the blogger’s ego.

“Do they think everyone cares what they think?”

I completely agree that the majority of blogs out there do fall into this category. The medium(blogging), however, isn’t the flaw in those cases. Those people would be ranting about their insular world regardless of the technology at hand.

As always, Paul Graham takes it all to another level, all of which hits home for me. This process of blogging is about discovery, discarding information, looking in your blind spot, and learning. While few people, bloggers or not, are opposed to testing out their 15 minutes of fame, anyone who writes solely for that purpose will only produce boredom among readers.

On one hand I can look at some of my posts like Feeling Business and think someone’s going to view that as being self-centred, here’s what we do, why aren’t you doing it? While I can’t keep anyone from seeing that, what I hope at least a few see is insecurity and curiousity. Here’s what we’re doing, we have no clue if it makes sense, what do you think?