John Maeda on Rewards
16 years, 5 months ago[ Office Gossip ]
John Maeda on rewards and motivation:
“Some reward systems stem from recognizing progress itself as the payoff….The reward, in this case, was growth. When we’re older, we tend to forget this simple buy key motivation we all had as children.”
Ok, you’ve set me up, now bring it home John…
“At the core of the best rewards is this fundamental desire for freedom in thinking, living, and being. I’ve learned that the most successful product designs, whether simple, complex, rational, illogical, domestic, international, technophilic, or technophobic, are the ones that connect deeply to the greater context of learning and life.”
Now that’s a product design manifesto!!
So yes, everyone loves a scobby snack now and again but don’t mistake that for what we’re really after. Try this experiment, pick a really close relationship in your life. I mean spousal not your boss or butcher. Now think of some behaviour in that person you’d like to change. Nothing trivial, I mean serious stuff that causes tension, battles and push backs. Stopping smoking, drinking less, picking up after themselves, having sex, etc. Pick something serious that’s a point of irritation in that relationship. Got it?
Ok, now devise a reward scheme for it. Let’s use the stop smoking example. Pick a reward, something significant that they’ll be excited about. Put a calendar up on your fridge. For everyday they don’t smoke they get a gold star on the calendar. If they can get 4 stars per week for the next 4 weeks then they get their reward.
Got it? Ok now pitch that to this person and see how they respond. Chances are you’ll have some hesitations when you’re about to pitch this. Maybe you’ll think, this is dumb, gold stars? We need to talk about how smoking is harming them and others around them not gold stars. Maybe I’m simple but explain to me how this is different from 95% of HR incentive schemes out there?