'General' Archive

Comment Spam

April 2nd, 2007

Well this is getting out of hand, I just took and peek and have 469 comments awaiting moderation. I think it’s a safe guess that it’s 99% to 100% spam. Lovely. I know this is an old issue for sites with comments but I’m a rookie with this type of volume. I may have to get around to looking up some better tools for this.

Wanted: Your Vote

March 26th, 2007

It’s for a good cause. My friend’s Cassie and Mike are entered in this contest. That’s Mike stripping off his green belts in the top left video. Lend them your vote. I can’t stop watching it……

Harnessing all that wasted energy

March 23rd, 2007

While I don’t expect anyone to believe me, I swear this is one I thought of myself a long time ago. It’s proof that ideas are cheap, implementation is all that matters.

Anyway, I had a brief stint in a previous life as a bit of a gym rat. Whenever I was in the gym watching all these people working their asses off it always struck me as odd that we just throw away all that energy. Well technically not throw it away but translating into something useless like noise, heat, a spinning treadmill etc. I often wondered what a farming family from a century ago would think if they saw a modern gym. It’s cool to see someone’s finally trying to do something about this.

What about something more rudimentary though? There’s all these people out there with a need to pick up heavy objects to stay in shape. Certainly there must be customers for that, people who have heavy objects they need lifted. Can’t we get them together instead of all these bright lights lifting the same damn objects over and over again all day?

What about a moving company? Instead of paying for a gym membership, I’ll setup a “circuit” for you for free. Run up the street to 35 Morris, climb the stairs, pick up a dresser, carry it down stairs, put in van, run a mile to another house, move something else, run back to previous house, etc. Sure, the uniforms would be a bit odd but how environmentally friendly is my new moving company?

Maybe I’ll try this next time I’m at a gym and someone picks up some dumbbells:

“Oh don’t worry about those, I already lifted those.”


“Those ones. I already lifted them. There’s a bunch over there that still need to be lifted.”

Baby Planners

March 23rd, 2007

There’s a cool new service, well new to me anyway, the Brit’s have call Babyplanners.

“babyplanners is an all-embracing service for women expecting their first baby. Through one-to-one sessions at home or the office, we’ll take care of all the organisational aspects of having a baby on your behalf…”

Cool eh? Ahhhh, not so much. In a word, depressing. We’re so entrenched in needing two incomes to survive that we’re left hiring total strangers to play the roles typically played by family, friends, and community.

I think it’s great that they saw an opportunity and built a business around it. It just depresses me that the opportunity even existed.

New Best Friend

March 22nd, 2007

(11:19:57 AM) …brydon: see ya
(11:19:58 AM) NHL:


(11:20:27 AM) …brydon: where are you?
(11:20:28 AM) NHL: I live in Silicon Valley, California!
(11:20:44 AM) …brydon: what are you wearing?
(11:20:44 AM) NHL: I’m NHL Stats Agent! I’m a smart computer that you can chat with about all kinds of things.

Type “?” to see what I can do.
(11:21:09 AM) …brydon: I love you
(11:21:09 AM) NHL: That’s nice… I love you too!

Why don’t you ask me about the things that I’m here for? 🙂

(11:22:58 AM) …brydon: I really love you
(11:22:58 AM) NHL: Hey, I love you too!

NHL Command Line over IM

March 22nd, 2007

This is very cool. A friend at Navantis passed me this, I believe they built it. It’s a messenger bot for the NHL. Just add the contact nhlstats@hotmail.com to your contact list and then start chatting. This is going to put a serious dent in my tsn.ca visits.

Feature request? Get this thing to find video links for me. It’d be amazing if I could just say “find video highlights for last night’s toronto game”, or “find video for wade belak and cam jannsen” and have a link returned to a video.

(11:04:36 AM) …brydon: east standings
(11:04:36 AM) NHL: STANDINGS >> Eastern Conference:
1 Buffalo Sabres 73 47 19 7 101
2 New Jersey Devils 73 43 22 8 94
3 Atlanta Thrashers 74 39 25 10 88
4 Ottawa Senators 74 43 23 8 94
5 Pittsburgh Penguins 73 41 22 10 92

Type “more” for more.

(11:04:57 AM) …brydon: darcy tucker

16 Darcy Tucker Right Wing

Toronto Maple Leafs (Leafs)

47 22 14 36 5 -13 70

14 6 0 0 126

6 9 15

(11:05:16 AM) …brydon: last night’s scores
(11:05:16 AM) NHL: SCORES >> Last night’s scores:

Montreal Canadiens Boston Bruins 1 – 0
Calgary Flames Detroit Red Wings 2 – 1
Minnesota Wild Phoenix Coyotes 3 – 2
St. Louis Blues Ottawa Senators 2 – 4
Philadelphia Flyers Florida Panthers 1 – 4

Type “more” for more.

Never Get a Job!

February 8th, 2007

Steve lists his 10 reasons to never get a job. The running joke here in Guelph, at least among our group of friends, is that you’re not truly Guelph until you don’t have a job.

First, something to listen to while you’re reading. While I’m not sure I completely agree with all Steve’s points some are pretty classic:

“Getting a job is like enrolling in a human domestication program. You learn how to be a good pet.”

“Does putting yourself in a position where someone else can turn off all your income just by saying two words (”You’re fired”) sound like a safe and secure situation to you? Does having only one income stream honestly sound more secure than having 10?”

“When you run into an idiot in the entrepreneurial world, you can turn around and head the other way. When you run into an idiot in the corporate world, you have to turn around and say, “Sorry, boss.””

“When you want to increase your income, do you have to sit up and beg your master for more money? Does it feel good to be thrown some extra Scooby Snacks now and then?”

“As part of their obedience training, employees must be taught how to dress, talk, move, and so on. We can’t very well have employees thinking for themselves, now can we? That would ruin everything.”

Sorry, didn’t mean to post that many, just read the thing.

New Majeen

February 7th, 2007

DSC00112.JPGI picked up me new machine last Friday and subsequently spent the weekend tinkering. Most of the tinkering was spent trying to get my monitors configured correctly and I wasted a ton of time there. With some sound advice, which I’ll post at some point, I’ve finally solved that particular issue tonight.

So I’m now running up on Fedora Core 6 using dual monitors with a spanning desktop. I still need to develop in .NET so I’m using VMWare for my virtualized windows development environment which is just damn cool. A fully networked virtual environment.

There are a few pleasant surprises since I was last in linux:

  • Installs and updates have gotten a lot more painless with yum.
  • Digital camera support. I plugged my camera into a usb drive and quickly imported my photos into fspot. While I’m sure there are similar apps out there in the windows-land(picassa?), I personally have never had a slick way of categorizing, storing, and archiving my digital pics. This plus editing, versioning, and exporting to common apps like flickr and gallery.
  • Peripheral support for printers, flash drives etc is a no brainer now. These types of issues were always a pain in the past. I don’t think I’ve typed “mount” yet.

What is still painful? Pretty much the only thing was xorg.conf which I expected. Ultimately this is just about experience and it helps to know some people who have that experience. The installation process was straightforward, however, figuring out exactly how to properly setup my RAID-1 array took some trials. To date I haven’t tested that by unplugging drives but will when I have some time.

It’s only been a few days but I’m pretty confident that I’m leaving the microsoft OS world behind me for now. Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll come grovelling back in no time.

Universal User Accounts

February 6th, 2007

Jaimie past this my way, another great 2.0 project. Careful, read before you play.

Home Office Perqs?

February 2nd, 2007

DSC00081.JPGDSC00101.JPGSo I think these pictures will be my answer next time someone asks me how I like working in a home office. When I get drop ins to my office, they tend to be short, cute, and quite creative. That’s vastly different than the last corporate office I was holed up in.