Build A Startup In One Night
December 19th, 2011[ Guelph Tech ]
Have you heard of Startup Weekend?
“No Talk, All Action, Launch a Startup in 54 hours.”
Heard of Lean Startup Machine?
“Lean Startup Machine will change the way you view entrepreneurship forever — for the better”
While I’m only an outside fan of event’s like these, what I love most about them is their unrelenting focus on action based networking. Networking is second nature to established entrepreneurs. For the rest of us, it doesn’t come as easy yet. These events shift the focus away from networking for the sake of networking and instead get straight to the action. Through the action, networking occurs.
We already have a lot of networking, let’s get together and have a drink, events. What we need more of is, let’s get together and build something together. My question, would you participate in an event with the following framework that we’d run in conjunction with Startupify.Me?
- One evening, starting at 7pm at ThreeFortyNine, ending whenever we’re done or pass out.
- Project to work on is set in advance. We’ll need to build a process to select them, possibly taking on some hack-for-good projects? They will likely be new projects, however, we may have some that span events?
- 6 to 8 attendees, ideally with diverse skillsets, ie not all coders.
Starting at 7pm, we quickly set the work agenda for the evening and decide on deliverables. Then we get to work and build it, in an evening. We’re not likely building a startup in an evening but you never know.
This is an opportunity to work on something tangible with people in your community. It’s a chance to get a taste of this whole startup thing. It’s a chance to try your hand at something you don’t work on all day at your work.
Interested? Please let me know? Comment below or email me directly with your thoughts.
PS. I’m working with Leila and Corey to bring a HackDays event to Guelph early next year. Update, registation page is up for Guelph HackDays on Feb 18th.